
03.05.2022 - 05.05.2022 | Kassel-Hotel La Strada

CataLysis – Joint international Conference 2022

The CRC 1333 together with the CRC-Network CataLysis is right now preparing a program to invite the international community to a 3-day conference on all facets of catalysis…

28.04.2022 | via WebEx video conference

CRC 1333 Young Researchers Colloquium

As a speaker within the CRC 1333´s  monthly “Young Researchers Seminar” we welcome Carolin Rieg from the Dyballa group at the Institute of Chemical Technology of the University…

23.03.2022 - 24.03.2022 | Online Event

Online-Assessment of the CRC 1333

The Assessment of CRC 1333 will take place on March 23+ 24, 2022. All current and designated PIs, all doctoral and postdoctoral scientific coworkers, please save the date!…

17.02.2022 | via WebEx video conference

CRC 1333 Young Researchers Colloquium

As a speaker within the CRC 1333´s  monthly "Young Researchers Seminar" we welcome  Manuel Kirchhof from  the Laschat group at Institute of Chemical Technology of the University of…

11.02.2022 | Online Event

Symposium on Women in Condensed Matter Science

On the occasion of the international Day of Women and Girls on February 11, 2022, the Athena Group of MPI-FKF holds the Symposium on Women in Condensed Matter…

03.02.2022 | Online Event

CRC Colloquium – Prof. Janet Bluemel

We are very happy to welcome within the CRC 1333 Colloquium Series: Prof. Janet Bluemel Professor of  Chemistry Texas A&M University USA Thursday, February 03, 2022, 4:00 - 5:00…

27.01.2022 | via WebEx video conference

CRC 1333 Young Researchers Colloquium

As a speaker within the CRC 1333´s  monthly "Young Researchers Seminar" we welcome  Sherri Liu from  the Ludwigs group at Institute of Polymer Chemistry of the University of…

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