Milestone Presentation – M. Sc. Hoang-Huy Nguyen
The next milestone presentation of the CRC 1333 - Integrated Research Training Group will be held by Hoang-Huy Nguyen from the Institute of Chemical Technology. Thursday, 17. November…
CRC 1333 Graduate Seminar
Literature Seminar - Area B-Catalysis Recent Advances in Confinement-Controlled Catalysis Chair/ Intro: Prof. Michael Buchmeiser Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth Goldstein This seminar provides a regular forum for exchange in…
CRC Colloquium: Prof. Robert M. Waymouth
We are very happy to welcome within the CRC 1333 Colloquium Series: Prof. Robert M. Waymouth Robert Eckles Swain Professor of Chemistry and Professor, by courtesy, of Chemical Engineering…
SIGDIUS- Data Infrastructure
on behalf of the Special Interest Group Data Infrastructure, we hereby cordially invite you to the upcoming SIGDIUS Seminar with contributions from: Christoph Steinbeck (Sprecher von NFDI4Chem) ,…
Graduate Seminar
We invite all doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of CRC 1333 to our first Graduate Seminar. This seminar has been newly established in the 2nd funding period and will…
CRC Colloquium – Prof. Richard Schrock
We are very happy to welcome within the CRC 1333 Colloquium Series:  Prof. Richard R. Schrock - 2005 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry - F G Keyes Professor of Chemistry,…
Keynote Status Meeting: Prof. Dr. Walter Leitner
We are very happy to welcome as a kenote speaker at our Status Meeting 2022: Prof. Dr. Walter Leitner MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr Department…
Status Meeting 2022
Participants: All current PIs, doctoral researchers and postdocs of the 2nd funding period. The event will take place „in-person“ at the Hotel Waldachtal in the Black Forest. Registration…