CRC1333 project leader Kristyna Pluhackova and researcher Sofia Kolin (project A08) were invited by the NHR@FAU to present their research results at the NHR@FAU Results Symposium on March 16, 2023 at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen-Nürnberg. During the event, Sofia held a presentation on her findings on the “Nanoseparation of Solvent Mixtures induced by Diffusion in Mesoporous Carbon Materials”.

Talk on “Nanoseparation of Solvent Mixtures induced by Diffusion in Mesoporous Carbon Materials”by Sofia Kolin
The Symposium was held to celebrate the two-year anniversary of the National High Performance Coumputing Center NHR@FAU, and researchers who utilized substantial computer resources on the supercomputers “Alex” and “Fritz” were invited to showcase their achievements.
Kristyna and Sofia have aquired three years of computer time at NHR@FAU and utilize the supercomputers to perform essential molecular dynamics simulations for their project A08.
More information on the event can be found here.