Summer Science Camps at MPI for Solid State Research: School kids dive into the fascinating world of science

For the second time this summer, the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research hosted a Summer Science Camp for 11-13-year-old children living in the greater Stuttgart area. The camp was created, organized and led by CRC 1333 doctoral researcher Samuel van Gele.

Samuel van Gele – Photo Credit: MPI FKF

Samuel, who acquired his passion for science communication and first experiences in the organization of science outreach activities during his studies at EPFL Lausanne, was supported by his colleague, CRC 1333 doctoral researcher Martina Paetsch.  

When asked why he decided to organize a science summer camp, Samuel cites one main reason: he wants to inspire young children, encourage them to think critically, and make science more interesting and accessible to them.

The group of twenty children spent a week at the Max-Planck-Institute and were able to not only do hand-on experiments like creating slime or building a rocket but also participated in stimulating discussions on pressing global issues such as energy, catalysis and climate change

Photo Credit: MPI FKF
Photo Credit: MPI FKF

The highlight of the week was undoubtedly the opportunity for the children to interact directly with scientists at the Institute. They learned about their day-to-day life, the projects they are working on and what drives their passion for their research.

At the end of the week, the children were then tasked with turning their knowledge about the scientists, which they gathered through presentations, interactions and interviews into an entertaining presentation or play which they presented to their parents.

Photo Credit: MPI FKF
Photo Credit: MPI FKF

This immersive summer science camp experience definitely sparked the curiosity and foster a passion for scientific research among the enthusiastic young minds.

The planning for the Science Summer Camp 2025 is already underway.