Project A04

Mesoporous metallo-silicates

  • Project leader(s)
  • Team
Prof. Dr. Blazej Grabowski
Prof. Dr. Blazej Grabowski
University of Stuttgart
Dr. Johanna Bruckner
Dr. Johanna Bruckner
University of Stuttgart
Dr. Jong Hyun Jung
Dr. Jong Hyun Jung
University of Stuttgart
Ruba Ajjour
Ruba Ajjour
University of Stuttgart
Huy Bui Duc
Huy Bui Duc
University of Stuttgart
Selina Itzigehl
Selina Itzigehl
University of Stuttgart
Schächtel Tom
Schächtel Tom
University of Stuttgart
  • Summary
  • Publications

Mesoporous metallo-silicates with defined electronic and geometric properties: A combined experiment-theory approach

In a combined experiment-theory approach, project A04 will not only produce tailor-made ordered mesoporous metallo-silicates (OM2S) for optimized catalytic applications, but also create a profound understanding of their electronic structure and resulting properties. We will prepare OM2S by true liquid crystal templating with various metals, striving for a precise control of properties, such as pore diameters, Brønstedt and Lewis acidities, etc. We will underpin the experimental work by simulations utilizing density-functional-theory and moment tensor potentials, which will provide crucial insights into the kinetics and electronic structure of the materials, thus resulting in a holistic picture of the materials.

Research focus in the first funding period (2018-2022): Controlled synthesis of mesoporous silica materials
Former PIs: Prof. Dr. Frank Gießelmann, Prof. Dr. Yvonne Traa

Comparative study of lattice parameter and pore size of ordered mesoporous silica materials using physisorption, SAXS measurements and transmission electron microscopy

Comparative study of lattice parameter and pore size of ordered mesoporous silica materials using physisorption, SAXS measurements and transmission electron microscopy

A.-K. Beurer, S. Dieterich, H. Solodenko, E. Kaya, N. Merdanoǧlu, G. Schmitz, Y. Traa and J. R. Bruckner Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2023, 354, 112508.                                 The publication can be downloaded free of charge and without registration until May 11, 2023 via the following link: