05.05.2025 - 07.05.2025
Hotel Am Rosengarten
Osterbergstraße 16
74206 Bad Wimpfen
Participants: All current PIs, doctoral researchers and postdocs.
The event will take place „in-person“ at the Hotel am Rosengarten in Bad Wimpfen.
If your project is not in the list, please select “none” and enter your project number in the “Project (if no number available)” field.
We will provide a bus for travelling to Bad Wimpfen from Stuttgart and back.
All participants travellig from and to Stuttgart are asked to take this mode of transportation.
Please register by March 28, 2025.
Please register for the above mentioned event by filling in this form. After your registration you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not get this email, please get in touch with the CRC office, so we can double-check your registration.
The CRC will cover all costs for CRC 1333 principal investigators, doctoral candidates and postdocs. Also travel costs of associated CRC 1333 researchers can be covered, if they were officially declared to be associated by the CRC 1333 board.
If you have any dietary requirements or health issues that might be of interest for the organizers of the event, please inform the CRC office personally.
During the event photos might be taken that illustrate the general character of the event. If you are in a photo where this does not apply you will be asked for your individual consent before publication. Please find the information on data protection and data handling according to DS-GVO here.
Kamila Parastatidou
Pfaffenwaldring 55, room 1.820
phone: 0711/ 685-61548 (12:00 am-04:00 pm)
Unfortunately his is event is already full.