2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Lecture Hall 55.02
Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart
We are very happy to welcome within the CRC 1333 Colloquium Series:
Jun.-Prof. Gabriele Hierlmeier
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm
Topic: “Controlling Reductive Elimination Reactions from Pincer-Supported Titanium(IV) Complexes“
Her research focus is on organometallic chemistry to develop new methods with relevance for synthesis and especially sustainability.
Organometallic chemistry is fundamental in the construction of C-C bonds, for example in pharmaceutical syntheses. However, the fact that many homogeneous catalysts rely on precious metals poses a significant challenge due to the high cost, scarcity, and environmental impact of these metals. Titanium, an abundant and environmentally benign element, presents a promising yet underexplored option for chemical syntheses, particularly in catalytic processes beyond polymerization reactions.
Traditionally, novel C-C bonds are constructed by reductive elimination reactions. However, these reactions are challenging with titanium(IV)-complexes due to the low stability of this electropositive metal in ist +II oxidation state. Limited understanding and control over these reactions have restricted their use in synthetic chemistry. My group explores effects of various external stimuli to provide detailed mechanistic understanding on reductive elimination reactions from pincer-supported titanium complexes. In my talk, I will describe how we achieve reductive eliminations in one- and two-electron steps, i.e. radical and concerted reductive elimination reactions. This has led to the discovery of a novel catalytic cyclodimerization reaction of 2-butyne under photochemical conditions. Moreover, rare four-electron small molecule activation reactions from Ti(IV)-complexes (d0) will be discussed.
The CRC cordially invites all who are interested to the lecture.