We are very proud to announce that CRC 1333 doctoral researcher and doctoral representative Martina Paetsch is one of the ZIA fellows of the year 2024/25, a fellowship offered by the Zeitverlag

About the ZIA “Visible Women in Science” Fellowship Program
The ZIA “Visible Women in Science” Fellowship Program is a year-long initiative designed to support female scientists in their professional and personal development. Through collaboration with partners, supporters, and sponsors, the program focuses on empowering women, fostering networking opportunities, and enhancing science communication skills.
Throughout the year, fellows will participate in various activities, including networking events and workshops. One key aspect is the Nawik science communication workshop, which helps participants learn how to communicate their research effectively—making it accessible and easy to understand for a broader audience. Although all fellows are researchers, they come from diverse disciplines, contributing a wide range of expertise to the program.
The fellows and their research will be showcased in an article in the December 2024 issue of DIE ZEIT, both in print and online on the ZIA website. Additionally, each fellow will participate in an audio interview that will be published on the ZIA website.

Martina attended the kick-off event in Berlin on November 8, 2024, which also included a visit to the Falling Walls Foundation Science Summit 2024. There she attended many talks and pitches and had the opportunity to network and meet other inspiring women
We look forward to hearing more about your experiences in the future, Martina!