Congratulations to Carina Herrle for winning the CRC 1333 Bachelor Prize for 2023. Her bachelor thesis on “Ordered mesoporous metal oxides via true liquid crystal templating: synthesis and characterization“, carried out at the University of Stuttgart, Department of Physical Chemistry in the working group of Dr. Johanna Bruckner, has impressed the CRC 1333 board.
Carina Herrle presented her work during the CRC 1333 Colloquium on April 18, 2024 and received her prize, which is endowed with 500 €, from Prof. Dr. Michael Buchmeiser, spokesperson of the CRC 1333.

During this colloquium session, the CRC 1333 Master Prize 2023 was also awarded to CRC 1333 doctoral researcher Samuel van Gele. His master thesis on “Post-functionalization of Porphyrinic Covalent Organic Frameworks for Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction” carried out at the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research in the working group of Prof. Dr. Bettina Lotsch, convinced the CRC 1333 board. The CRC 1333 Master Prize is awarded to young scientists whose scientific work (in the context of a master thesis) has made an outstanding contribution to the goals of the CRC 1333, namely to identify and understand the controlling effects of defined geometries in catalysis. The prize, which was handed over by CRC 1333 spokesperson Prof. Dr. Michael Buchmeiser, is endowed with 1.000 €.