Project INF at the NFDI4Chem Community Workshop

The NFDI4Chem Community Workshop, held on February 26, 2024 in Mainz, Germany offers its participants a unique platform to bring together existing partners, projects, and well-developed project ideas from the chemistry community. The aim is to find points of contact, develop innovative ideas and thus shape the future of the NFDI4Chem together. The CRC 1333 … Read more

(Self-)Leadership Program for CRC 1333 Female Scientists

We are very excited to once again offer a leadership program specifically for our CRC 1333 female scientists. The seminars will be held by Dr. Sabine Horst from the coaching agency QuinteSentio and have been developed in cooperation with the CRC 1333 to best meet the needs of the participants. The (Self-) Leadership Program consists … Read more

2023 Rolf-Sammet-Award for Julian Greif

  We are happy to announce that CRC 1333 Master student Julian Greif from project A04 has received the Rolf Sammet Award for his excellent academic achievements. The award recognizes outstanding master students in the fields of chemistry, materials science and food chemistry and was presented during the graduation ceremony for the graduates of the … Read more

Welcome to Incoming Researcher Maryam Nurhada

A warm welcome to Maryam Nurhuda from iCeMS at Kyoto University, who joined Niels Hansen’s team as an incoming researcher in January this year. Maryam will stay until April 2024 and will work on her research project  “Development of force fields for modeling the flexibility of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and quantification of the influence … Read more

Research Stay Abroad – Sofia Kolin

  CRC 1333 researcher Sofia Kolin from project A08 is currently at the University of Adelaide in Australia working on her research project “Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Characterization of Metal-Organic Frameworks” in the group of Dr. Jack Evans. Her three-month stay in Australia is funded by the CRC 1333 “Research Stay Abroad” program for … Read more

Welcome Sakshi Sinha

A warm welcome to Sakshi Sinha. She joined the project C09 team earlier this month as a doctoral researcher for the CRC 1333, working on Atom probe tomography on biological materials. Welcome to the CRC 1333, Sakshi, we look forward to working with you!

Elite Academy for Chemistry and Material Science – Experimental Lecture Estes Group: “CO2 Chemistry: How to Close the Carbon Cycle”

How can the billions of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere be removed? What are the available solutions, and which are the best? In an impressive session at the Elite Academy for Chemistry and Materials Science, CRC 1333 Principal Investigator Jun.-Prof. Deven Estes explained to a packed room how the carbon cycle can be closed … Read more

Registration for CRC 1333 Minisymposium is now open!

We are happy to announce that the registration for our CRC 1333 Minisymposium on May 16, 2024 is now open. Please visit to get your tickets today.  New this year: on May 17, 2024, we will offer a special after-conference school for post docs and doctoral researchers on the topics of special measurement and analysis equipment … Read more

Summer School – Fall 2023

The CRC 1333 Summer School – Fall 2023 took place from October 23 to 25, 2023 in Mannheim. Our doctoral representatives Sofia Kolin (A08) and Patrick Probst (B04) organized the meeting and we all enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere at the DJH Jugendherberge Mannheim International.  The program included short presentations by each of the doctoral students, … Read more