28. January 2019: Dr. Felix Rudolphi – Sciformation as a multidisciplinary ELN

Dr. Felix Rudolphi, managing partner of Sciformation Consulting GmbH will present within the lecture series of CRC 1333 on research data management   Monday , 28. January 2019, 10:15-11:15 a.m. Lecture Hall 55.21, Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart Topic: Sciformation as a multidisciplinary electronic laboratory journal

15. January 2019: Dr. Christoph Freysoldt

Dr. Freysoldt from the MPI für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf will talk within the colloquium series of the Institute of Theoretical Chemistry. Tuesday , 15. January 2019, 4:00 p.m. Place: TBA Field evaporation from a density functional theory perspective The lecture is of special interest for this CRC as Dr. Freysoldt´s research deals with the simulation … Read more

17. January 2019: CRC Colloquium – Prof. Moniek Tromp

Prof. Tromp from the University of Groningen and the Zernike Institute of Advanced Materials will talk within the colloquium series of the CRC 1333. Thursday , 17. Januar 2019, 01:15 p.m. Lecture Hall 55.02, Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart Topic: Probing Active Species in Catalysis – Application of Advanced X-ray Techniques Moniek Tromp is Professor of Materials … Read more

22. October 2018: Opening colloquium

The CRC cordially invites all who are interested in the topic to its opening colloquium and the following reception on 22. October 2018, 01:30-05:00 pm in Lecture Hall 47.04. We are glad we could win renowned speakers from the fields of catalysis and modelling for this event and are looking forward to welcoming you there. … Read more