1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Universität Stuttgart Campus Vaihingen
We cordially invite all Principal Investigators to the following Workshop “Gender Competence in Academia” where we plan to discuss the following topics:
Gender-relevant Topics
– The path to academic independence
– Facts and figures on gender distribution (importance of key positions)
– Relevance of networks -> Visibility
– Gender-typical communication behavior (horizontal vs. vertical)
– Typical visibility traps & impact on the proportion of women in Science
– Concrete examples/situations from Coaching Sessions
– Influence of gender bias
– Presentation of different best practice models
Brainstorming on “Gender Equality in the CRC1333”
1. Objective: What goal(s) do we want to achieve within the first funding period? in terms of gender equality? (SMAART)
2. From which motives is it important to work seriously on the topic?
3. Which chances and risks do we see on the way to gender equality?
4. How do we envision the monitoring/control of the processes?
5. Implementation: What do we want/need in our SFB? What do we want/need? Which strategy and measure proposals for the gender balance in the CRC1333 are attractive?
6. Outlook on the initiation of gender measures